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Friday, October 22, 2010

when my luck will come?

*short talk*

this month, dam bad luck,not my month..anyone of u got any idea can let me 冲喜冲喜?

car break down in the middle of penang bridge, called 

Tractor to pull my car, RM 70,

repair and overall whole car cost me RM 2100.

Spoil of iphone, send to repair cost me RM 120

My makna and unicef send me email ask me to pump in more money, I will see whatever I can do.

CFP exam fees RM 400


Another 2k credit cards yet to settle due date by 27 oct.


very wish November faster come, wash away the “sui” luck, stop all accidental expenses, my monthly reserve fund is too little to cover all this “surprise”

this month expenses really too “kao” for me J


really hope I hold to power of printing money power jus as mention  chedet's CURRENCY WAR 

Open my twitter, life usual, everyone hv their own issue/problems/roles to settle.

Life go on, 偶尔来个小考验,可能往后生活会更精彩,让我们更懂得珍惜眼见一切。



  1. be strong,,,all the best ..add oil

  2. 不是有句话说,好运总会跟着坏运吗?你遇到这么多衰事,下个月一定超级棒!=)

  3. applies to me as well, car meter rosak and computer rosak.. but not use as much money as u are...good luck!

  4. thanks everyone, it would be better if u guys bank in some notes to my acc in public bank :p

  5. haha, can make a paypal donate button and put in your blog liao, when got money can send some all around XD hahah

    Cheers! and let all the "sui-ki" flush away when November come =D

  6. Am broke too..Oct is not a good month.
    poor thing.
    i pinjam gaik cheng duit end up i have to pinjam duit from ying ying to cover myself..Good thing is i dun have credit card, no interest.
    Let's buy toto next month... the luck will come.
    Amen! All the best to any of us.


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