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Sunday, June 26, 2011

“I am very happy mixing around with young generation”

I always like to tweet around stating “I am very happy mixing around with young generation”.

Young generation I mean here are of course some of the postgrad student who majority of them r my client and then eventually turns to become my friends....

I do recall I wrote a post on sui cai space stating, “in my work life, there is no friend, I rather address them as work-mate/colleague” haha..well, sometime, a person perception do changed from time to time.

Mixing around with them made me feel younger..they r very natural, sincere, energetic and full of passion on everything…the best part of this, observant on them reminds me on going back to basic.

Wat r the basic here? Basic=知足常乐

Life aren’t all about how to fix a monthly forecast figure, problem solving, high expectation on a scenario outcome, etc….

Looking on them, shown how far my current characters bias from my true self. As compared to my uni time, I am still hyper-mischievous boy.

For now….. I don wanna comment myawlf…how to turn back to basic? I pun tak tahu…Hehe…perhaps I shall rephrase it again: life is full of excitement.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift- Ivan Minic’s legendary Quote

Some picture showing how I “mutated” from a school boy to an adult then after that a full time worker..

image primary school

image pre-U



image graduate


2 3


Time flies huh… =D

Sunday, June 19, 2011

short talk*


当下礼拜天,其实是在吉兰丹。今夜是父亲节,但孩儿不孝,没来给他老人家庆祝。家里剩两个老人,这回当当suicai 吧。




最近手头上的工作都是满满,但效率上依然渺茫。开始在埋怨自己,莫名其妙得也成了时间的仆人。haih...知道的人,都知我对当下的工作,开始有了埋怨,做任何事,态度很重要,乃公司越来越像国阵政府,吊儿郎当,把问题踢来踢去,太不值得为他卖力。 不谈不好的,身为打工仔的,就认命吧,本分做完就算。


今天下午走了USM一整天,他妈的累到“狗”酱,不管了,5时准就放工,回旅店睡觉。醒来,饿了就开车往市区打包我的吉兰丹最爱”nasi kerabu”吃。哈哈


看了 “鲁豫有约-王力宏”…太棒了,忍不住就上载一段与你们分享。谈访共10 part,有兴趣的话,自己连线youtube待续。



看到力宏,才感慨yeekai5 的懦弱与懦夫!!不舍得付出,挺来成就?傻海,哈哈