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Poll testing: Is yee kai5 post r too 极端?

Sunday, May 30, 2010


To ease u guys for long break of no input from yeekai5,

I am back :)

Lots thing to sort of but no worries, give me 2 days time, hope I can come bac with my a day a post philosophy.


I jus came back from home after a great dinner with parents n family member, 幸福I shall say,haha..everyone balik kampung for 3 days wesak holiday.wuhoo….was the first time after CNY where whole family member of my 小康之家 back for a reunion.

Sorry guys,for the long break, was in study, outstation working,company training, etc for the past weeks… i oso terkejut to saw my rss accumulate 800+, emails from company,etc.hehe

i shall Fill up my day some personal comment country head line news: Gerakan Anti-Samy Vellu (GAS)

Intro u guys two great legend of my country, Big Sam n my full time admire brother Tun.

Poor big Sam for u tis time, u deserve it, I consider myself as BIG in term of my body size n weight, But u far way better,ur size were like --->penguin (small head, big tummy, ratio of head: body: toe- 1:9:9). Not to offend but u really cute. u reminds me film call “The return of Batman”, u were the penguin,the devil,round in shape with small head, comel betul :p

Wonder how much u makan during ur time in JKR-jalan kerja rajin sector.

Wonder how many talented fella u chop off in their challenge againt ur presidency 

wonder how many puan sri simpanan u have ( i saw 1 of his isteri simpan during my 4 years back visit to sg siput,kaka,saja gossip  )

as a president of M*C, wonder when u fight before for ur people.

really feel sad to them, I really hope something good will happen to some of ur people who still the minority who still live in rubber estate, low income, illiterate,  with most of them still lacking support in everything.


但,人个有志,英雄与狗熊之别,悲哀!! 敦马,下台有人热泪离别,德高望重,大家都敬他三分。


Jus read a latest news from malaysia insider where there is a set back of only small lil amount of kuching attend the GAS due to some enforcement from the TOP levels n not forgot oso all the 没鬼用的宿头乌龟, 哈哈


its good ur party keep on routing, better chance for the rakyat to whack u guys up for the up coming GE… so for now, i shall continue to watch my FOC politic bollywood film shooting in my home country.

for those who yet to register on GE, please bring ur ic and jus pass it to the pegawai in pejabat post to register, fulfil ur responsibility, make ur vote count!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

short talk:

start from today, yeekai 5 will start his 2 weeks adventure around malaysia/singapore- KL for 3 days for training then east coast 2 days and lastly Singapore 5 days for product training… my nasi kukus/dagang i am coming!! my Geylang pak ku i am coming!! (haih, another busy week ahead,sibuk naik miang?nob,yeekai 5 is always a good boy)

i am not carrying my lappy along due to the inconvenient on my company training n limited internet subscriptions, i think i will abundant my yeekai blogspot for awhile. lately i got no time to prepare 2 weeks scheduled post  ahead, so i think gonna disappointed some of u guys on my commitment of a post a day here…lets hope i will come back wit some great post :p

love u guys, c ya…

rmb be good :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

*short talk*

sometimes i go out yum cha wit fren, i do feel proud or at least feel happy to create a blogspot here.


新年感想,我已退化。New Year's feelings, I have degraded, etc

actually my post sometimes do influence some of my follower in term of attitude or at least drawn their attention to THINK.

taking to the philosophy of “SHARING knowledge/info/personal experience,etc MEANS CARING” …u guys have motivate me to post at least 1 post a day, then v share knowledge n learn from each other.


feel free to comment, ada lubang/kang tao baru,we share :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

short talk:

i was playing badminton with a bunch of my ex-biotech skolmate from utar and suddenly mei hoong pop me up with a question asking how long we ald grad?

i was shock, i am in the market for 2 years.

wat have i achieve? besides extra belly on stomach, some wealth in saving/nvestment. full stop (habis, no more)

sit down quitely n ask urself wat u have achieve for past 2 year?

u may growth in wealth,  grow in shape, u may grow in knowledge, growth in experience, OR mayb even grow a kids out accidentally..lol


please comment and share wit me :)

i wanna  set myslef a growth curve, i wanna c how far or how slow i progress for the past 2 years.

Monday, May 10, 2010


*short talk*



我不是身神通广大,多靠google reader及朋友的爱戴无时无刻update blog,share me useful post, gossip update, twitter etc, train me become shaper n informative.

某人过着的生活?某人的生活方式?某人不一样的思维?这一切一切发挥他们对我的影响力。透过blog分享一个人的生活经验、生活理念以及个人背景, 从中充实自己、启发自己,同时也以个人/名人甚至一条lok chat 都好,的非凡的成就,作为我们生命中的典范。


朋友,是时候create one blog and told me ur 心情故事。


update 一下你的blog了,don abundant him/her for too long.

Sunday, May 9, 2010




*short talk* DIAM la :p

Saturday, May 8, 2010

中国总理温家宝~my another idol

*short talk*中国总理温家宝是我非常敬佩的领袖,小弟看过他的言讲,小弟仰慕他的智慧,小弟看了他对中华人民共和国的子民付出于救灾的用心,我对他的敬业与精神,真的爱戴有加。following are some of the article share to me by Tun, its talk about education, HOU!!


author: 王德华 (http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/wangdh/)






























*shor talk*

wonder when my country minister of education which is also my DPM have half of his talent,half will do, then my country’s top uni UM, USM, UKM will not keep falling in term of repo n world ranking.

at least don keep on switching the teaching method from BM to english then back to BM again,treating all the 栋梁like white mice, ask them to be flexible? DENG!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

short talk

did u ever enter guys’ washroom b4? for sure there bowl for guys to ease themselves all time (in short pan jiou in hokkien).

found out one place where i was shock when i enter the male “labeled” toilet. picture below:


my first impression was: “ei,betul kah?or yeekai 5 the looi peng enter chick’s washroom,end up men-siasui-kan again.”


then i found  out all covered with nice wooded compartment. i guess Kedah people are majority malu i guess, they perfer cover up when they piss OR someone is so wealthy until build every bowl a special wooded door with compartment around =.=

i feel sad when i saw some government sector so many aircon/light swith on where there is nobody in rooms/building.they r too “environmental friendly” n too wealthy i guess.

so i steal favourite quote from patrick teo:


Thursday, May 6, 2010


*short talk*

thanks to ck, i read this post n feel like its worth to share in my blog here. i ald share tis post before, if u guys follow my google reader as per below:







日本最后的结局大家也知道了。1985年9月的广场协议至1988年初.美国要求日元升值。根据协议推高日元,日元兑美元的汇率从协议前的1美元兑240 日元上升到1986年5月时的1美元兑160日元。由于美国里根政府坚持认为日元升值仍不到位,通过口头干预等形式继续推高日元。这样,到1988年年初,日元兑美元的汇率进一步上升到1美元兑120日元,正好比广场协议之前的汇率上升了一倍

美国人满足了吗?没有。接着看下去,从1993年2月至1995年4月,当时克林顿政府的财政部长贝茨明确表示,为了纠正日美贸易的不均衡,需要有20% 左右的日元升值,当时的日元汇率大致在1美元兑120日元左右,所以,根据美国政府的诱导目标,日元行情很快上升到1美元兑100日元。以后,由于克林顿政府对以汽车摩擦为核心的日美经济关系采取比较严厉的态度。到了1995年4月,日元的汇率急升至1美元兑79日元,创下历史最高记录。








source from: author:秦庆华 (http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/秦庆华/)

url :(http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=319581)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thank you

hi guys,

my 1st poll on survey had expired.

thank you so much with ribuan ampun for u people kindness to drop me the survey..

Is yee kai5 post r too 极端?

i got a majority of saying my post is rather ok nor no comment.

hmm,pretty acceptable to  obey the poll thou total amount people vote is sembilan ekor 小猫。this highlight to me how tinny i am, and also indirectly told me how famous yeekai5 in blogging..diu,lol…so i shall continue to 霸道like UMN*, 强词夺理,目中无人得欺压老百姓之我的blog follower.SORRY yea my follower, i predict my number of reader will be again slum down to fewer as i keep screw n korek their rough in term of their behaviour n character :P

u see how important it is if 1 country with all his above 21 years old citizen din’t register for General election…government can’t really know wat people want,how to boost up country development,economy, social grow etc…WE still remain unchanged/no improvement yet keep saying WE BOLEH. Still remember cemerlang,gemilang,terbilang? since when my country cemerlang?since when my nation gemilang?since when their rakyat terbilang?haha

For my future post, if u guys realize i too ean tao/handsome, please comment me, let me learn from u all. i don wanna be cemerlang,gemilang,terbilang, we jus learn from each other then v bully others :p 

*opppss, my 目中无人 character arise again*

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


*short talk* 今天遇见两名三十来头的MIMI, 思想很成熟稳重,独立聪明,可惜都嫁人了,makaichoon :p

i always like people to share with me their true life experience and today, there are two lovely people, (my loyal client n my application specialist) never kiam siap share me their perception of live. again they wake me up from keep staying myself on comfort zone.i still always 高高在上,得意忘形. again they reminds me how important i should continue to learning and again i proven to me i still very 浮浅. Both 1 are PhD graduate, 40+ age with family, another one master graduate, 30+ age jus married gal. In term of knowledge n what they experience, i still way far behind. 一个讲妈妈经,一个谈嫁后感想。For them, i still consider a 小弟弟,毛都没生齐.thank god they two r a gal who r so willing to teach me a lot of stuff, perceptions from chic, kids nows day, reality of life in malaysia today,etc…

两大高手过招,小弟傻傻聆听偷师。i feel so malu coz me as a youngster still so naive.

for me most of the things today majority sure 有pro 就有cons,有得必有失。it really depends on wat u really wan urself to be.

i do agreed some point of them:

no doubt some r a master/prof level people, but some still never know how to communicate wit people.not everyone noe how to link their  knowledge to living life.

first impression start from an email, an attire, or even a short conversations etc, so always be prepared.
