*short talk: I wrote tis post on aeroline bus during my route back to penang. Wuhoo,5 hour of transportation is great, there are my only free time to read/write blog posting/etc, do things that I always wanna do yet lacking discipline to squeeze time out to sharing info. I waste a lot of time traveling/gossip my google reader/fb/twitter-ing/ driving in a car during outstation, instead of focusing on driving, I shall make full use on time do reading/clear google reader/ upgrading myself, next time should drive travel lesser, in fact, take bus/flight, then make full use of time upgrade myself from time being, hopefully yeekai5 can stretch more n gain more knowledge from time to time. I owes wanna post up a blog title “the important of time management”, but 怎么写都表达不了我想分享的message, so…..*
In a respond to my tun post, url: http://limchoonkiat.blogspot.com/2010/03/iphone.html
On and off, I do mention on my suicai space in windows live saying how we should save n spend wisely. For me, majority youngster of Chinese today r really spoilt. I like to made observation on young kids outside, they r so MATERIALISTIC.. out on the restaurant or shopping mall, canggih phone in hand, update playstation /psp,etc.. the way their parents treat them, eat good,wear nice with a 24 hour kakak stand by…nevertheless, the teen/youngster that have similar age like me, branded coth, phone,look at their spending power since credit card was introduce.hou keng.. wats wrong with society today?
Parents/society r training kiddy in such a wrong way. People owes blame Singaporean r kia su n kia si, but for me, Malaysian Chinese today r walking toward,in fact r practicing their wrong behavior. I do rmb last time when I am kiddy tat time, my grandma use to tell us how tought they are,to earn for living…quote u an example: 1 bowl of hot porridge consider their great meal of those day, imagine u feed me/a kids today every meal jus a simple porridge without any side dish? I sure diu u and say: hey!! Wats ur problem,how to makan? lol
My grandma use to be a typical china fella who use to be so kiam siap..keep money in the “soda biscut tin/under pillow type” ,save save save yet save. classic example will be the leave out food after a simple lunch/dinner. They wont throw, in fact keep in fridge n goreng back to makan if hungry. wherer those Chinese nature beauty character? Sudah hilang since my generation T.T generation today majority r “chong tong type”, never think wisely in spending, follow the trend, change fashion, hp,pc,car accerceris like crazy…from tis, I can say media n marketing people r doing their great job there, brand,promote,lecture n phsyco N-user to follow, buy like sohai…credit card,online purchase,all r so conviniet for u to buy!!always differentiate those which u think is a need, spend when necessary. I strongly agreed to tun where times when we r affordable, do more charity, spread the RIGHT way to do RIGHT thing. Sign up a UNICEF/world vision/MAKNA,some even can get tax relieve, helping people yet u can get tax relieve,MAN LEI SIONG dim wo..haha (world vision tak ada tax relieve, but do charity, no need to kira so much yea..haha) I consider myself as lucky,got 3 gf above,so monthly commit RM 250-300 to kao them..haha
Quote u guys a song where best suit my currently feeling,eason.
~EASON, 夕阳无限好~
多经典的歌后 一刹眼已走
缠绵着青葱的山丘 转眼变蚁丘
这个刹那宇宙 拒绝永久
多好玩的东西 早晚会放低
从前并肩的好兄弟 可会撑到底
多好玩的东西 早晚会放低?Why so happen? Don blame our parent, don blame our system, don blame to culture trend,Blame ourselves to get pampered all time. 从前并肩的好兄弟 可会撑到底? Why my kawan r getting lesser n lesser?blame myself for being too sohai I lansi I guess T.T
well said, we have 5000 yrs rich histroy, however wit poor attitude we encoutered now, eventually all good practice/traditions will be vanished.
ReplyDelete@tun donno y times when people getting old, they tend to recall bac how beauty r their moyang those day,then only start to 珍惜于饮水思原。 or i shall address it in tis way 不经一事;不长一智,i also have such feeling总是会有后悔当初没好好珍惜的感觉