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Saturday, July 17, 2010

a feedback from a new UK Associate Lim

talk to ck lim, UK new Associate by UK Higher Education  Academy (AHEA).

some 豪言 for him in a feedback on my lately quit down but not depress .And its reminds me 进来少了那股冲劲,得好好拚,拼

share with u guys,his way of doing thing, hope tats help me n u all as well :p

my SMART KPI cant be achive, and i was quit down.


Me kpi also achieve 50% la

but i felt abit for that 50%

coz we need to know what that 50% kpi are

if u say u wanna save rm0.01 per day

and u do it, then kpi 100%

then compare with if u say you wanna save 1000myr, but u baru save myr500, although poor kpi

but still the quality of kpi there

Ck: i am a strategic planner

normally will 心想事成

some ppl said well plan will decrease ppl's ability to face unexpected events

but i disagree cos 时间换取空间。

well plan, allow me to take into consideration whatever possible outcomes, unexpected events that might be happen

so even if unexpected things happen

i still can cope it..most of the case

时间换取空间 my experience

but if u dun hv self -disclipine, then 时间换取空间 will become 蹉跎岁月,


exposure more to diff culture, more interaction will help one

不同角度看待问题,also more reading,reading help fill up knowldege gap.

too much 豪言, kpi wouldn't achieve.






  1. lol...so this may help..all the best

  2. well said from wen ni's senior lulu-ma:

    "I google it baru tahu the exact meaning http://ow.ly/2cMZB RT @lulu_ma: @limchoonkiat 是日已过,命亦随减。。。但念无常,慎勿放逸。。。"


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