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Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 a year in review!

The year 2010 is coming towards an end soon.

My 2010 review n feeling will be……My coming 2011 forecast will be….

i rather put it as an …..


steal a quote frm ck: some people walk the talk, some people rather talk the cock.

most of the time, i am a fella that talk the cock.u may find the answer why i rated myself talk cock more than action here n here.


  1. you not really talk the cock right? at least u are studying some courses now is it and etc..
    嗯,人生就那么一回,要活出自我。果断的定下你要的计划,鞭策自己,be the one walk the talk. though it's hard but must try your best! make no regret in your life.buck up! happy new year 2011! may your dream come true=)

  2. happy new year..all the best..we learn all the time, and i believe u are ready for 2011.. go for it, dude! best wishes


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