Short talk:
因为机缘,我都有在两年前学打坐。一般是因为我好奇,另一方,我觉得打坐这东西,很奥妙。待人/处事/性格/character 上,我都少许都有一点点慢慢地启发。
我一直都很排侧这类的东西-宗教/迷信/风水等,可能是我是science background 出生,样样东西没scientic proven,我都蛮理智的选择不跟。不过机缘巧合,我却渐渐地接受了-打坐
最近认识了一位新朋友,我不提他的名字/也不link他的blog, 因为想他应该还蛮保密的,毕竟他的blog大致上都写他心情故事,要尊敬他的隐私。
他也蛮信任我,跟我分享了很多自己的人生哲理,我就是喜欢这类的人,无私的/不计较的教导你. 看得出他真的很“用心”来对待我,really really感激不尽。
因为他, 又让我看到心灵上,我还得再加强,人格上还得再“修”
Yeekai5 的嘴巴就是贱,常要亏他,他对我酱好,我都有点不好意思。
I strongly agreed the point: *thanks sharing*
Knowing is not being (知道并不等于能做得到).
You must try to translate into daily life what you learn from them.
Knowledge without action is useless,
action without knowledge is foolishness..
*short talk*
I know u will read my blog, and I really hope u will keep ur blog posting, then from there will b more chance I can learn n share new knowledge wit u.there is still lot of great stuff from her I can share, perhaps time being when I am free, I share wit my sui cai follower more,hehe
As for the lovely advice u gave me, it takes time to digest and Lets hope Yeekai5 will 改善and become better boy someday :D
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