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Tuesday, May 4, 2010


*short talk* 今天遇见两名三十来头的MIMI, 思想很成熟稳重,独立聪明,可惜都嫁人了,makaichoon :p

i always like people to share with me their true life experience and today, there are two lovely people, (my loyal client n my application specialist) never kiam siap share me their perception of live. again they wake me up from keep staying myself on comfort zone.i still always 高高在上,得意忘形. again they reminds me how important i should continue to learning and again i proven to me i still very 浮浅. Both 1 are PhD graduate, 40+ age with family, another one master graduate, 30+ age jus married gal. In term of knowledge n what they experience, i still way far behind. 一个讲妈妈经,一个谈嫁后感想。For them, i still consider a 小弟弟,毛都没生齐.thank god they two r a gal who r so willing to teach me a lot of stuff, perceptions from chic, kids nows day, reality of life in malaysia today,etc…

两大高手过招,小弟傻傻聆听偷师。i feel so malu coz me as a youngster still so naive.

for me most of the things today majority sure 有pro 就有cons,有得必有失。it really depends on wat u really wan urself to be.

i do agreed some point of them:

no doubt some r a master/prof level people, but some still never know how to communicate wit people.not everyone noe how to link their  knowledge to living life.

first impression start from an email, an attire, or even a short conversations etc, so always be prepared.



  1. yeah..tis is true, be a good listener..as the saying goes 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也

  2. nice =)
    next time snap photo and share with us also XD hahah


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