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Saturday, April 10, 2010

half vigro half scorpion boy

*short talk*

i really like a scorpion horoscope people so much, they were so talented and great in work/behovior...my dad,tun, school mate,G, etc the way they do thing really wins my credit. somehow they r unpredicted, always come out with bombastic 创举,end up i 敬佩不已。

a great fren of mine where i always address him as tun wrote me an email on this few weeks back n til today i still keep it, read it when demotivated, and still i feel touch, he is definitely one of the success one in future:

 hi yeekai,

Literally, when someone is "self-motivates, and proactive", then these will drive him become "passion", "commitment", "prolonged interest" in achieving their goal. Eventually, they may reach their "target". However this target may not match your initial objectives. Also, 有得必有失。You will gain & loss something then.

I believe the reason behind is they devote "their heart"--用心去做一件事 to the area they pursued.

I believe you have made a thorough considerations based on factors you mentioned. Greater opportunity comes greater responsibility, I always tell myself, with unique horoscope I have, exposure/challenges ecountered, opportunities I gained, then I should try my best (whenever is aplicable/ possible), to share my humble opinions :-)...whether an appreciation/act is considered as angkat "LP" or not, it's up to individual definition & perception. As long as I know I am 100% sincere in whatever I shared, then I don't mind any rumours arose. 

a lot of thing, he don mind share to me, till today he am practicing info sharing to me, SO i owes sat if got chance, i wanna be a half vigro half scorpion boy. OR jus pray when time izinkan, i will get myself a scorpion puan sri in future..haha,merepek


  1. good, even myself also don't have such a great mind, if i am a chick will fall in luv to him

  2. Sorry to rate u sohai in this post.. Yea, I salute Scorpio ppl too, or I should say I love them. Gc, swen, yin, momoko Tao.. Etc..those are the people I would love to the learn more from them. To me, they are great in terms if knowledge and their personality. But somehow or rather they are too 逞强 sometimes, u'll hardly hear them complaining on anything. They tend to absorb everything they could and they will get things settle wisely. But there are some not so scorpion Scorpio out there too, so when u pick puan Sri that time, make sure u pick the correct one. Lol! If u need gc phone no. I can give u. But normally she moudiu those 小弟弟 one. So Seng Seng mok mok ya.

  3. @all lol, GC x suka xiao didi one,i rather tun ck lim to potong, then i kao her

  4. i super agree la, scorpions are different. Di rumah saya ada 1 biji scorpion too. Character amat berbeza dan unique. Hopefully the sebiji scorpion at my house will succeed la with whatever he have faith in, i secretly do.


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