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Monday, April 12, 2010

人,總要信 HOU!!

*short talk: i like 思想家so much, 有思想又善于planning 的人,小弟敬佩不宜,哈哈。bcoz i noe myself well, am a lazy + unorganized fella..when i saw a well management with plannig fella,恨不得立刻想跟他学习,把他的精华吸收过来,hehe...看了一个我一直讲她是lansi人的电影review,这电影-《歲月神偷》应该很有领悟价值:要知足,要感恩。how great the movie with good moral value to learn, thou i got no time to watch the movie BUT i am sure i will like movie which bring great teaching value for us to learn n rmb. rather than those taiwan series,pui!! 故事重复,百篇如一,爱来爱去,sohai 1 个,i found it DIU,waste my time :D *

liked the 電影里金句 where i copy paste from ah mo blog:
1。 人,總要信。
3。 在变幻的生命里,岁月,原来是最大的小偷。


oh ya,talkining about the lansi issue- most of the time if i say a person lansi in a sohai tone,i am jus joking with u. jus wonder most of the gals they tend to misunderstood my lansi meaning,get mad on saying i am harsh/rude to them,diu!!

again,how great it can b if i can find a chic like tun 屎k, who understand my sohai behaviour so much,never get mad times when v can jokes n tease each other.

oh ya, u can get her lansi movie review here on:


hardsell u ya, got comission must give me some ya.


  1. sorry, still rate u as sohai.. LOL! i know ur lansi was just a joke,that's ur way of communicating with ppl i guess.

    thanks for hard selling my blog ya. prefer not to do so in future, coz am not so good in blogging/sharing.

    in fact those are the things that came across my mind while am driving home after the movie. i love those quote as well, it suits well with the movie. it would be great if a person could understand those quote while watching the movie. spend some time on this movie, it's a beautiful movie.

    seriously, it has been long time i didn't see such quality hong kong movie. may be it might not be as nice as i said for some of u, i would said it's much depends on urself. what kind of 心态 u have while watching this.


  2. http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/156470?tid=40
    go to see this. toh hui

    from tc


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