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Saturday, April 3, 2010

republic of banana

*short talk i watched tis youtube,nice speech by saudara Nga Kor Ming, total clip was 5 but tis one most funny,hope u guys love it...spoken in hokkien,hope those ang mo educated u can understand..haha *

ops, i post tis thing 1 weeks back,learn from tun, pre-post sstuff, donno y i cant share the youtube link,

so if free,click to listen, great talk by my lately idol YB Nga Kor Ming :)


  1. i email a pdf to u, about sharing the youtube video on your blogpost.

    al the best,

    yb ngar is brilliant

  2. No doubt he is great in public speaking n debating,but thanks sharing to me his character,drag me bac from fully graise on him. Anyhow,can learn more his presentation skills n confident :D

  3. yeah..no one is perfect..his speech very powerful :-p


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